
Summary:Jupiter Dolichenus was a Roman god, a so-called ‘Oriental deity’ whose mystery cult gained popularity in the 2nd century AD, reached a peak under the Severi in the early 3rd century AD, and died out shortly after. As for Jupiter Dolichenus, he is sometimes referred to by scholars as ‘Baal of Doliche’ or ‘Dolichenian Baal’.1 The name Baal is derived from the term Ba’al, meaning ‘owner’ or ‘lord’, and the word must have been used as a title for gods in general. Over six hundreds monuments – mainly inscriptions – of the Dolichenian cult have come to light from the Eastern and Western parts of the Empire. The name Jupiter with the epithet Dolichenus – from the original name of Doliche – appears in inscriptions in many incorrect forms including Dolichenius, Dolychenus, Dolochenus, Dolicenus, Dolcenus, Dulcenus, Dolucens.Which of the above epithets reflects the original Syrian form and tradition? Is it possible that Dulcenus is the original and correct form of the deity’s name, or is it just another vulgar change which appeared separately in time and space? This paper tries to prove the latter with the help of the LLDB. The Dolichenian cult is thought to have first been introduced by Syrian merchants and auxiliary soldiers, including troops from Commagene (the province that includes Doliche). In the light of the names of the priests of Jupiter Dolichenus, Speidel2 states that the Jupiter Dolichenian cult in the army was largely supported by Syrians and other Orientals.


  • The main deity of the town of Doliche in Syria, known as Jupiter Dolichenus, was widely worshipped in the area of the Roman Empire from the beginning of the 2ndBrought to you by Eotvos Lorand University | Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/20 08:37 AM UTCTÜNDE VÁGÁSI century AD until the middle of the 3rd century

  • Over six hundreds monuments – mainly inscriptions – of the Dolichenian cult have come to light from the Eastern and Western parts of the Empire

  • The Dolichenian cult is thought to have first been introduced by Syrian merchants and auxiliary soldiers, including troops from Commagene

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The main deity of the town of Doliche in Syria, known as Jupiter Dolichenus, was widely worshipped in the area of the Roman Empire from the beginning of the 2nd. Ptolemy is the first who mentioned Doliche in Commagene, and it is mentioned in the Itinerarium Antonini as one of the stations of the road from Cyrrhus to Samosate.[14] In addition, we have evidence of an ethnic denomination in the form of Δόλιχος.[15] Most of the inscriptions found in Syria are in Greek (CCID 2, 3, 30, 33, 34), where the god is invoked as Θεῷ Δολιχηνῷ.[16] Inscriptions from the cult centre Doliche and its immediate vicinity appeared from 57–58 AD. The territory of the Roman Empire.[17] The worship of Jupiter Dolichenus in the Eastern territories never spread too far from its birthplace.[18] The Latin-language inscriptions of the area are exclusively made by military origins, originating from the sanctuary district of Dura Europos and from Hierapolis;[19] these can be dated to later times, during the Severan dynasty (CCID 32, 39). The name of the town is shown as Dulca from the Pannonian Brigetio (AE 1911, 222) or Dolica on an inscription from Aquincum (CIL III 3490).[23]

43 This form of assimilation occurs several times in the cult’s corpus
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