
Cuba has maintained low fertility in the Latin American region throughout the period 1955-87. The socioeconomic changes brought about by the revolutionary takeover in 1959 speeded the demographic transition. Cuban population numbered 10869218 of which 22.7% were aged under 15 years and 12.2% were aged 60 years and older. Although economically underdeveloped Cuba completed its demographic transition by 1992. By the early 1990s 57.3% of university students were women. 30% received degrees in scientific and technical fields. Female economic activity increased. 39.1% of economically active persons in 1991 were women. 58% of all professionals were women. Fertility rates for daughters were below replacement during 1955-60 increased to over replacement during 1961-64 and declined thereafter to a low of 0.94 daughters/woman. During 1970-87 fertility decline was dominated by declines in rural areas. In 1953 and 1970 the greater share of fertility was among women aged over 25 years. During the early 1980s a large proportion of fertility was accounted for by women aged under 20 years. During the late 1970s and early 1980s fertility was dominated by women aged 15-19 years. In the late 1980s fertility was concentrated among women aged 25-29 years. Recent trends favor early childbearing which is attributed to early sexual activity without contraception ignorance or insufficient knowledge about sexuality lack of responsibility for childbearing and lack of parental and educational guidance. The 1987 Fertility Survey indicated a high level of knowledge about contraception. During 1970-90 the number of abortions increased by 109%. During 1989-90 rates of fertility and abortion declined but menstrual regulation increased 2.4 times. The proportion of single and married women declined and the proportion in consensual unions increased by 1987. The divorce rate and break-up rate varied during 1975-90.

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