
The main objective of this article was to determine the socioemotional skills of teachers in a school in Colombia. These skills allow for self-recognition and recognition of others, as well as acceptance and assertive action in response to feelings. The school, as a space for encounter, interaction, and continuous learning, becomes a conducive environment for the proper emotional management of both students and teachers, with the latter being fundamental pillars. In this study, we present research conducted with 40 teachers from an educational institution. Participants completed the TMMS-24, Trait Meta-Mood Scale on Emotional States, which provided a quantitative approach for data collection. The main aim was to analyze how this group of teachers manages emotions and, furthermore, to use these results as an opportunity to raise awareness among teachers about the importance of being aware of their own emotions and those of their students in the day-to-day classroom dynamics and relationships established within it. Findings revealed that the majority of teachers demonstrate adequate emotional management, as evidenced by the three dimensions investigated in the questionnaires, indicating that most are at an appropriate level of recognition, comprehension, and management of emotions. This translates into better job performance, higher levels of satisfaction among teachers, and a better understanding of the individual situations of each student.

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