
The study was carried out in Nandi Central in Nandi County to evaluate the economicimpact of fascioloasis disease and it’s prevalence amongst cattle, sheep and goats inthree divisions namely Kapsabet, Kosirai and Kilibwoni. The named divisions have asizeable coverage by papyrus a swab which is home to the snail species lymnaetrancatum and lymnae trancatula which are vectors of the disease as the intermediatehost.The research design was a survey and sampling technique used was purposefulsampling. Secondary data was collected from Kapsabet District Veterinary Office on thenumber of condemned liver from the cattle, keep and goats and financial losses werecomputed based in the price of the respective livers of each species and data analysiswas done using SPSS Version 16. Mean separation was done using L.S.D (P< 0.05). Atotal of 1106 livers were condemned comprising of 721 (Bovine Spp); 342 (Ovine Spp)and 43 (Caprine Spp), which translated to arrival financial losses of 823,060.There wassignificant difference of fascioliasis between Kosirai and both Kilibwoni and Kapsabet.Bovine Spp had the highest incidence followed by Ovines Spp and finally Caprine Spp.It was also found that there was a positive correlation between the incidents rate andlivers condemned and the usually high rainfall seasons of around March-October

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