
One of the human needs is to interact with the people around him. Social 
 interaction is a dynamic social relationship to build social relationships. 
 Adolescence is a period of developmental transition towards adulthood, 
 involving biological, cognitive and social changes. The urge to affiliate 
 appears as well as with adolescents because as social beings they have 
 various kinds of needs that must be met. Various means of communication 
 that can be used in interaction, a means of communication that is currently a 
 trend among adolescents is communication using social networks. This 
 study aims to determine the effect of social networking on the needs of 
 adolescent clients in the Islamic Psychology Study Program, Faculty of 
 Psychology, Raden Fatah State Islamic University. This research is a 
 quantitative study with a sample of 34 adolescents aged 18-21 years who 
 come from students of the Islamic Psychology Study Program, Faculty of 
 Psychology, Raden Fatah State Islamic University. The sampling technique 
 used is random sampling. The independent variable in this study is social 
 networking, while the dependent variable is the need for affiliation. The 
 method of analysis of the data used is the method = 0,339 scale with the r , p 
 & 0,05; gt .The research through kusioner propagated in 34 respondents .5 
 % significant: 0,05 5 .Obtained 0,339 table of r .From the data r table smaller than on the validity of the data .This suggests that social networking
 is influencing the affiliation student Uin Raden Fatah Palembang the 2020

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