
The relationship between the mental side and skillful performance is one of the important concept in team sport games such as football. Social intellect is considered important and one of the technical requirements in the players' personality because it is connected with the player's ability to deal with others and build good social relations among the team so that they will be a coherent group for doing the sport achievement. Therefore, the importance of conducting this research lies in knowing the relationship between the social intellect and the performance of some technical skills by football young players. It must be taken into consideration that the psychological and social sides are not paid sufficient attention by the coaches and specialists in Iraqi football affairs. Also, there is a rarity of studies conducted on the players' social intellect in Iraqi sport teams. This research aims at knowing the nature of the relationship between social intellect and the performance of some technical skills by the football young players. The researcher used the descriptive approach in surveying manner. The sample consisted of some league youth clubs of premier level. Also, he used social intellect measurement for players and consequently he concluded that there is significant correlation between the players' social intellect and the performance of some technical in the young players.

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