
The spinal osteochondrosis takes leading role among diseases of the peripheral nervous system, being a serious social problem in many countries. The significant prevalence of this disease among individuals of able-bodied age, high disability rates, large economic losses condition the urgency of this problem, its epidemiological and socio-economic significance. The purpose of study is to analyze the socio-hygienic and clinical features of patients with osteochondrosis in the Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital. The statistical analysis of 250 medical records with diagnosis of osteochondrosis was carried out in the neurological department. The gender and age-specific features of the disease, the frequency of manifestation of osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine, leading syndromes and the nature of patients' labor activity were considered. There are gender differences in patients of the Kursk Regional Hospital with diagnosis of spinal osteochondrosis: females 62.0% and males 38,0%. The most common neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis were found among middle-aged patients (45-54 years). The patients with manifestations of osteochondrosis in the lumbar (65.2%) and cervical (50.8%) parts of the spine are predominated. Among all the syndromes, the pain syndrome was the leading one and was detected in 96.4% of patients. The frequency of disorders of various parts of the spinal column depended on working conditions. Thus, intellectual workers suffered more often from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and manual workers - from the lumbar spine. It is necessary to optimize primary and secondary prevention of osteochondrosis, taking into account the age and nature of the patients' labor activity as well as to improve medical care and the rational employment of people suffering from this disease.

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