
Aim. To analyze the social and family functioning features of women with PS, with regard to their influence on mother-child interaction status.Contingent and methods. During 2014–2016, 100 women with PS and 112 children of them (12 women had two children) were examined at psychiatric department of Zakarpattya oblast narcological dispensary. The women were aged from 25 to 40 years, duration of the disease was from 2 to 15 years. The children were aged from 3 to 14 years, 65 girls and 47 boys were among them.The women were examined by clinical-psychopathological and psycho diagnostic methods; the children – by the “Kinetic family drawing” projection test.Results. The signs of the social and family disfunctioning of mothers were found in the children’s pictures, in particular, actual family composition concealment in drawings, the absence of sick mother on drawings, the image of sick mother at the periphery of the picture, often by the real or assumed barriers, and "Virtual" mothers images, the absence of family members cooperative activities images, dominance of items, but not people in the drawings, too small images of themselves and family members, as a rule, at the bottom of a paper. These signs show a significant emotional discomfort, loneliness, depressed mood, inferiority feelings in the child, the lack of unity sense with the family, alienation feelings, an unsatisfied need to affiliate.Conclusion. The obtained data were used as a basis for development of the system of medical and psychological optimization of mother-child interaction in women with PS


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  • В. Особливості сімейної взаємодії та адаптації в родині у пацієнтів, хворих на шизофренію, з точки зору психотерапевтичного потенціалу сім’ї [Текст] / М

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3. Мета дослідження Проаналізувати особливості соціального і родинного функціонування жінок, хворих на ПШ з точки зору їх впливу на стан материнсько-дитячої взаємодії. 1. Розподіл за типами ставлення сім’ї до психічного захворювання у жінки в родинах хворих на ПШ Результати вивчення ставлення членів родини до психіатричного лікування жінок наведено на рис. 2. Розподіл за типами ставлення родичів до лікування психічного захворювання матері в сім’ях хворих на ПШ

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