
Roberts, Justin. The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade. Illus. Christian Robinson. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2014. Print.This delightful narrative about young Sally McCabe will leave readers with a warm feeling in their hearts and the belief that they can make a difference in the world. A truly inspirational read, this book follows the story of Sally, the smallest girl at school, as she walks her silent world. On her journeys she notices the tiny details around her that are often overlooked, such as how others are negatively treating one another. In a desperate attempt to change these behaviours, Sally finds her voice and lets the entire school know what is on her mind.The language used by the author is beautiful and makes the reader reflect on the small important details in life that are often overlooked. The nature of the text is perfectly accompanied by the illustrations, which are simple in nature but fun and innocent as they resemble the brightly coloured crayon drawings of a child. This is a great read aloud, which will get young children thinking about the way they view the world and how they can have a positive impact on it. The rhyming text and predictable vocabulary makes it an accessible read for students at early reading stages.This book is a reflective read and does not have a bold climax or a lot of action in its plot. Therefore it may not appeal to all readers and some may not be as interested in the story. However, this story fills a niche that is often overlooked by writers and many readers will enjoy the style in which it is written. Overall this is a very inspirational story and will have even the smallest of us wanting to make a difference.Recommended: 3 out of 4 starsReviewer: Shelley BellShelley Bell is a grade 2/3 combined teacher with the Edmonton Public School Board and is currently working to complete her master’s degree in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Shelley is passionate about drama and literature and can often be found sharing a book or play with her husband Anthony and Rizzo her 4 year old Shih Tzu.

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