
This paper is devoted to an experimental work conducted within the FP6 SKY-Scanner project. The aim of the project is to develop new lidar (laser radar, LIght Detection And Ranging) equipment. Radar and lidar data fusion is a requirement. One work package was devoted to decision support model design and development. The proof of the concept decision support system (DSS) being developed adopts lidar capabilities, facilitates the tasks of the ATC controller in the aerodrome traffic zone (ATZ) and contributes to aircraft surveillance. The DSS is being designed as a framework for the operational implementation of norms. Factors such as separation between aircraft, track, glide path, altitude, etc. are subject to regulation in air traffic control (ATC). Legal sources are different: the rules of the air, airport procedure charts, etc. The scientific contribution is viewed from the standpoint of computational modelling. The risk model considered is a discrete representation of a (linear) deviation from the normative value. The traffic light visualization is used: the red light signifies intolerable, the yellow – tolerable, and the green – acceptable risk. The proposed method is illustrated on the Naples Capodichino airport sample day data.

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