
The article examines the legal and socio-economic situation of the jewish community, which functioned in Omsk from 1945 to 1960. The archival documents studied by the authors show that the anti-religious policy pursued in the region under consideration was accompanied by numerous violations and administrative arbitrariness of the soviet authorities against Jewish communities. this was due not only to the desire of local authorities to destroy religious remnants among the population, but also to eradicate "bourgeois nationalism", used as an accusation in the course of mass repressions against national minorities. At the same time, it should be noted the specifics of the functioning of the Jewish community, which sought to preserve its national identity in the new political conditions. Thus, despite the prayer ritual adapted to modern conditions and the recitation of prayers for the soviet government and for comrade Stalin. The community carefully supervised the process of burial in the Jewish cemetery, preventing the burial of people of other nationalities and religions. Great importance was given to the traditional religious holiday, the preparation for which was carried out in the face of opposition of local authorities and gross interference in the internal affairs of the community. In the end, administrative pressure and repressive measures of local authorities led, if not to the complete disappearance of the community, then to a significant damping of religious life within it.


  • The Situation of the Jewish Community of Omsk in the Context of Religious Policy of the State in the Second Half of 1945–1960s

  • The article examines the legal and socio-economic situation of the jewish community, which functioned in Omsk from 1945 to 1960

  • The archival documents studied by the authors show that the anti-religious policy pursued in the region under consideration was accompanied by numerous violations and administrative arbitrariness of the soviet authorities against Jewish communities. this was due to the desire of local authorities to destroy religious remnants among the population, and to eradicate "bourgeois nationalism", used as an accusation in the course of mass repressions against national minorities. It should be noted the specifics of the functioning of the Jewish community, which sought to preserve its national identity in the new political conditions

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The Situation of the Jewish Community of Omsk in the Context of Religious Policy of the State in the Second Half of 1945–1960s. Что уполномоченному Совета по делам религиозных культов по Омской области не удалось выявить случаев официальной продажи мест в синагоге в 1955 г., но им была обнаружена практика завуалированной продажи под видом «пожертвований», и фактически многие места в синагоге были закреплены за одними и теми же определенными лицами, которые «жертвуют» [13, л. Исполнительный орган общины отметил, что Гольдреер неоднократно пытался выступать перед верующими, иногда сопровождая эти выступления цитатами из газет, но верующие были против его выступлений, так как он глубокий старик и говорит неразборчиво [13, л.

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