
Introduction: In Vietnam, in recent years, nurse and midwife service has made remarkable progress in improving the quality of healthcare services. However, the jobs of nurses and midwives in our country are still facing some problems and challenges: human resource in term of nurses, midwifes lack of both quality and quantity, discrepant structure. The ratio of nurses and midwives are lower than the required ratio at medical facilities whose ratio 3/5 nurses/doctor. The rate of nurses and midwives who have education level higher than colleges do not achieve the goal of 30%. There is imbalance in structure and distribution in human resources in the countryside and remote areas. In order to evaluate the situation of human resources in term of nurses and midwives in state – run hospitals in province. This study aims to provide clear evidence for the plan of developing nurse and midwife system in order to satisfy the healthcare need of the patients. Objectives: To describe the situation of human resources and to define the demand of human resources development in term of nurses, midwives for treatment systems in state-run hospitals in Quang Tri province in year 2015. Method: Cross sectional study was conducted in December 2015. Secondary data reports from hospitals were collected, analyzed and assessed for adequacy level according to Analyzing, assessing the situation of human resource and comparing to the current regulations including Joint Circular No 08/2007/ TTLT-BYT-BNV guiding the payroll of state health facilities, Decision of the Prime Minister No 153/2006/QĐTTg and national action program on the nursing, midwife jobs period from now until 2020 with Decision No. 1215/QD-BYT April 12, 2013 by the Minister of Health. Results: The ratio of current healthcare providers over treatment bed did not meet the requirement regarding to scale of hospital bed number and grade. Number of nurses and midwives at clinical departments was insufficient as required. Number of nurses, midwives over doctors was under the aimed ratio of the Health Ministry. Conclusions: Human resources of hospitals need to be provided to meet the need in hospital bed number and grade. Also, it was necessary to increase the number of nurses, midwives in order to ensure the minimal required ratio according to the number of beds and doctors at clinical departments. Key words: medical human resource, nurses, midwives, human resource need

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