
Preface - PART I BASIC ISSUES FOR BUILDING THE NEW EUROPE - The Building of the New Europe: National Diversity Versus Continental Uniformity J.Meade - Monetary Policies for the New Europe R.Mundell - PART II TOWARDS THE SINGLE MARKET: PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES - Institutional and Constitutional Preconditions for Growth Effects Resulting from European Integration S.Borner - Real Saving Growth in Western Europe: Exploring Future Patterns M.Lo Cascio - Some Lessons from Development Economics for Southern and Eastern Europe R.S.Eckaus - Perspectives for Employment in Europe after 1992 G.Caravale - Integration Problems of the East and West German Economy J.Kr ger - PART III EUROPEAN MONETARY UNION - IMS: the International Monetary System...or Scandal? R.Triffin - On the Road to EMU M.Fratianni and J.von Hagen - Adjustment Difficulties within a European Monetary Union: Can They Be Reduced? A.J.Hughes Hallett and D.Vines - Currency Unification and Real Exchange Rates W.Kohler - Towards a Common Monetary Policy in the Transition: the Role of the ECU and Required Reserves D.Gros - Monetary Union and Its Implications for Fiscal Policy D.Cohen - A Political Economy of Economic and Monetary Union A.Tyrie - From the EMS to the EMU: The Role of Policy Coordination F.Farina - The European System of Central Banks Role in the European Integration Process L.V.Spagnolo - The Political Economy of the Hard-ECU Proposal P.Bofinger - Aspects of the British Debate on EMU J.Williamson - The Fluctuations of the Mark/Dollar Exchange Rate and Their Impact on European Rates: the Case of the Lira and the French Franc M.Tivegna - Sequencing and Timing of Stabilization Policies: the Case of German Monetary Union E-M.Claassen - German Monetary Union: Experiences and Problems N.Walter - EMU and Greece: Issues and Prospects for Membership M.Xafa - PART IV NEW EUROPE AND WORLD ECONOMY - Europe in the World Economy C.P.Kindleberger - The New Europe and the Japanese Strategy I.Yamazawa - Can Europe Compete with Japan and the United States? G.Fodella - Index

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