
Using the comparative analysis method, the authors examine the evo- lutional process of the natural science methodology and the methodology of education. The outlined analogies show some definite trends of education development in the emerging post-industrial society. It is demonstrated that the openness and correlation of the individual educa- tional activities with other co-players results in the actual cooperation of the educa- tional process. According to the authors, the implementation ground for the distributed inter- actions in the virtual space of the Internet, capable of supporting the life long learning process of society members, should be the personal educational environment, as a part of global information environment; the former being developed and used by the individual both for personal professional realization and life-long continuing self- education.


  • Using the comparative analysis method, the authors examine the evolutional process of the natural science methodology and the methodology of education

  • The outlined analogies show some definite trends of education development in the emerging post-industrial society

  • It is demonstrated that the openness and correlation of the individual educational activities with other co-players results in the actual cooperation of the educational process

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It is demonstrated that the openness and correlation of the individual educational activities with other co-players results in the actual cooperation of the educational process. Что в силу открытости и корреляции образовательной деятельности индивида с деятельностью других соучастников объективно возникает высокая кооперативность процесса образования. Механизмом осуществления распределенных взаимодействий в виртуальном пространстве Интернет, способным поддерживать образовательный процесс членов общества на протяжении их жизни, по мнению авторов статьи, должна стать персональная образовательная сфера как часть глобального информационного пространства, используемая и создаваемая субъектом деятельности для обеспечения реализации своей личности в избранной профессии и непрерывного самообразования (life long learning).

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