
Abstract The Simpson Desert dune field is of Holocene age. The sand from w:lich the dunes are built is derived from the. granites. sands tones and silcrete that form extensive outcrops within the catchment of the Lake Eyre drainage system. Rivers carry large volumes of water and sediment to the lower parIs of the catchment from time to time under the present arid climatic regime: even larger vo!umes were transported during the pluvial conditions of the Late Pleistocene. Strong winds from the SE and SW develop intense though short-lived turbulence as they pass over debris mounds that border playas and aIiuvial valley floors. Sand tails develop between the turbulent vortices and some of them pcrsist. and extend downwind under the influence of the bi-directional win:! regime to become part of the SSE-NNW trending dune field.

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