
This ecocritical study investigates the profound ecological themes embedded in Bapsi Sidhwa's "Ice Candy Man" exploring the intricate layers of environmental degradation and the looming threat of ecocide within the narrative. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the partition of India in 1947 providing a poignant portrayal of the silent but pervasive scream of nature as it undergoes destruction and degradation. The aim of this research is to reveal the nuanced interplay between characters and their deteriorating environment shedding light on the threads of ecological crisis interwoven into the novel's fabric. The study uses a qualitative analysis approach and ecocritical perspectives to determine the direct impact on people's lives as well as the subtle degradation of environments. The analysis delves into the intricate relationships between human actions, political turmoil and the resultant ecological devastation illustrating how the characters' lives and the natural environment intertwine. The results highlight the poignant reflection of a global environmental predicament, emphasizing the powerful narrative discourse that urges readers to confront the harsh reality of a planet in peril. By drawing attention to the silent scream of nature reverberating throughout the narrative, the research prompts a heightened environmental consciousness and encourages reflection on the urgent need for collective action. The conclusion emphasizes the narrative's role in prompting reflection on the silent scream of nature, urging a collective recognition of the urgent need for environmental awareness in the face of ecological challenges.

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