
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the stage achievements of F. Baklan, V. Potapova, I. Zadayanna, and O. Baklan in the context of the development of Ukrainian ballet in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. The methodology of work contains the following research methods: analytical, dialectical, systemic, general historical, comparative-historical, etc. The scientific novelty of the publication is that it first explores the significance of the artistic work of the masters of the musical theater of the creative dynasty Baklan, who made an important contribution to the rise of domestic academic choreography of the Soviet era and independence. Conclusions. The importance of the artistic achievements of the figures of the stage of the theatrical Baklan’s dynasty for the development of national ballet is difficult to overestimate. The founders of the creative family - Honored Artists of the USSR Fedor Baklan (1930-1983) and Varvara Potapova (1932-2018) joined the cohort of leading dancers of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater T. Shevchenko 1950-1960s, which after the crisis of drama contributed to the formation on the domestic stage of a new form of music and dance drama ("poetic dance") under the direction of choreographers-innovators - V. Vronsky, R. Zakharov, F. Lopukhov, S. Sergeeva, M. Tregubova. The creative work initiated by parents on the stage of the National Opera of Ukraine in the 1980s and 2000s was continued by Honored Artist of Ukraine, conductor Oleksiy Baklan (b. 1961) and his wife, Honored Artist of Ukraine Iryna Zadayanna (1962–2005), who created and will continue to generate high art aimed at the highest European theatrical standards.


  • Метою публікації стало комплексне вивчення сценічних досягнень Ф

  • The creative work initiated by parents on the stage of the National Opera of Ukraine in the 1980s and 2000s was continued by Honored Artist of Ukraine, conductor Oleksiy Baklan (b. 1961) and his wife, Honored Artist of Ukraine Iryna Zadayanna (1962–2005), who created and will continue to generate high art aimed at the highest European theatrical standards

  • Продовжувачами балетних традицій батьків стали на рубежі ХХ–ХХІ століть театральний диригент Олексій Баклан та його дружина – Ірина Задаянна

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Метою публікації стало комплексне вивчення сценічних досягнень Ф. Родоначальники творчої сім’ї – заслужені артисти УРСР Федір Баклан (1930–1983) та Варвара Потапова (1932–2018) увійшли до когорти провідних танцівників Київського ДАТОБ ім. Т. Шевченка 1950–1960-х рр., які після кризи драмбалету сприяли становленню на вітчизняній сцені нової форми музично-танцювальної драматургії («поетичного танцю») під орудою балетмейстерів-новаторів – В. Започатковану батьками на сцені Національної опери України у 1980–2000-х рр., продовжили заслужений діяч мистецтв України, диригент Олексій Баклан Ключові слова: Федір Баклан, Олексій Баклан, Варвара Потапова, Ірина Задаянна, український балетний театр.

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