
"Abstract: The Baptist cult had organized the following congresses: Pre-Congress of 1919 (Buteni), Congress of 1920 (Buteni), 1922 (Oradea), 1928 (Curtici), 1931 (Talpoş), 1932 (Timişoara), 1935 (Arad). Between 1932 and 1934, so-called fractional congresses were organized. The congress of 1935 in Arad is labeled as the congress of union and reorganization because in 1932 the Union of Christian Baptist Churches in Romania split. In this study I will analyze both the reunion process or reunion attempts, the motivation of the reunion and the description of the reunion congress. Attempts and initiatives to reunite the two Baptist unions have been identified both within the country, by the Romanian Baptist diaspora and by the World Alliance of Baptists. The motives for the reunion were related to the rights of the Baptists, their desire for peace, and their spiritual duty to spread the gospel. The strong characters of the two unions could not be overcame except by the sufferings of the persecuted Baptists, such as raising awareness of the death of one of the most meek, industrious, and wise, and humble people of the Baptists of that time — Theodor Sida. In Arad, the Baptists organized events in sumptuous buildings since 1929 - the ordination of Lucaşa Sezonov to the Red Church, 1930 - Southeast European Baptist Congress in the Arad Theater building, 1935 - Congress of the reunion of Baptists at the White Cross Hotel and 1945 - Congress Romanian Baptist Union at the Cultural Palace in Arad."

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