
The paleomagnetic data from the margins of the Valencia Trough are derived from Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks from the Balearic Islands, Catalan Coastal Ranges and Eastern Iberian Chain. These rocks are affected by a complex structural evolution consisting of an initial compressive stage followed by one of extension. Cenozoic paleomagnetic data indicate that rotations occurred during the Paleogene compression and before the extension started (Lower Miocene) in the Catalan Coastal Ranges. In contrast, in the Balearic Islands the rotations are synchronous to both compressional (Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene) and extensional tectonics (post-Middle Miocene). In both areas the Mesozoic limestones are remagnetized. In the Catalan Coastal Ranges they display the same direction as the Paleogene syn-compressive deposits whereas in the Balearic Islands they conform with Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) syncompressive rocks. It is concluded that the processes of remagnetization that affected eastern Iberia are related to a compressive rather than an extensional tectonics regime

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