
Several centuries of secrecy and the continuation of oral tradition, accompanied by unfavorable social and religious circumstances, such as the deplorable state of Iran’s communication and transportation infrastructure that limited the religious exchange among Ahl-i Ḥaqq in remoted areas, political instability of the region and periodic changes in geographical borders and as a result change of the official religion, accompanied by or resulting in several tribal and religious wars, the appearance of new Ahl-i Ḥaqq theophanies followed by the establishment of new leading families (khāndān), and a number of other social and cultural factors including differences in language and tribal traditions led to a heterogeneity in Ahl-i Ḥaqq groups in the 19th century. The composition of the Shāhnāmih-yi Ḥaqīqat emerged within this complex social context characterized by both interreligious and intrareligious discourses. Shāhnāmih-yi Ḥaqīqat is well-suited for exploring the tradition of Ahl-i Ḥaqq and the religious collective identity of this heterogeneous community as it seeks to compile the entire oral tradition of Ahl-i Ḥaqq and present it publicly. The objective of this research is to review the Ahl-i Ḥaqq tradition in the mirror of Shāhnāmihyi Ḥaqīqat and explore the various elements, patterns, topics, or concepts that demonstrate the religious collective identity of Ahl-i Ḥaqq.

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