
Not only are horticultural crops necessary for human sustenance, but they also enhance the aesthetic appeal of our surroundings. They provide a wealth of essential nutrients in addition to visual attractiveness. However, abiotic factors such as heat, drought, nutrient deficits, and heavy metal stress pose several obstacles to these crops, severely impeding their development and output. Many approaches have been used to address these issues, such as genetic alterations to increase stress resistance. Several industry applications, including agricultural ones. Nanotechnology offers novel solutions in the field of agriculture, including the remediation of soil and water, plant protection at the nanoscale, and the application of nano-nutrition to crops. In order to ensure sustained success in horticulture crops that face a range of environmental problems, these applications are essential. Nevertheless, there is still much to learn about the specific ways in which nanoparticles interact with plants, even in spite of the fact that their use in a wide range of applications is growing. This offers agriculture a successful and sustainable future.

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