
A well-preserved body is required for the dissection of a human cadaver in order to examine the entire body, which requires both theoretical and practical understanding of human anatomy. Modern science has developed a number of methods for preserving dead bodies, however Acharya Sushruta only cites one in Ayurveda. This method is known as the "Jalnimajjan Paddhati" of Mritsanrakshana. Numerous directions are given in this paddhati, and one of them mentions some of the munjayadi dravyas from which one dravya is employed to wrap the body. Attending paper is about studying the role of these dravyas in delaying the body decaying process. Each and every Munjayadi dravya contains tannin. Tannin has inherent anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Due to above properties tannins containing plants helps in delaying the process of decaying of dead body.

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