
Controversy has surrounded the question of why lek-breeding has evolved in certain ungulate species. Can the behavior be explained simply by males mapping onto a female distribution that is determined by factors unrelated to mating? Or are leks created because estrous females distinguish between males and favor males who cluster? Here I address these questions by looking at spatial distribution in lekking topi antelopes (Damaliscus lunatus). Contrary to the predictions of a model assuming male clustering in the zone of maximum female range overlap, territories were highly clustered also within this zone, and lek size correlated positively with population density. In support of models derived from the ideal free distribution of males onto female dispersion, leks were in areas with high female density during the rut. However, models not taking into account both individual variation in male quality and female mate preferences failed to explain the extreme male clumping also within high density areas, which was revealed by a strongly male-biased sex-ratio on leks. Additional support for the female preference-based model came from the finding that estrous females concentrated onto leks. Female preference for clustered males may develop if males initially follow an ideal free distribution of unequal competitors with high quality males slightly clustered at density hotspots; positive feedback between female benefits of preference for clustered males and male benefits of clustering could lead to contraction of the territorial network and lek behavior. Thus only the female preference-based model correctly predicted a negative correlation between male mating rate and resource density.

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