
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), enacted in the European Union in 2018, has significantly transformed the landscape of personal data management and protection. This article provides an overview of GDPR's impact, focusing on its applicability, fundamental principles and influence on data management practices, particularly within the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) database. GDPR's reach extends to all entities collecting and processing personal data of European Union residents, regardless of their location. It encompasses various data types, emphasizing meticulous handling and protection of identifiable information. Special categories of data, such as health and sensitive attributes, require even more stringent protection. The regulation sets legal, fair and transparent data processing principles, emphasizing accuracy, purpose limitation and data minimization. It also stresses accountability, leading to the appointment of Data Protection Officers and significant penalties for non-compliance. The ESTS database, designed to enhance thoracic surgical research and care, collects data on European procedures. It follows GDPR principles by pseudonymizing data, ensuring secure data transmission and providing clear instructions for data submission. The database contributes to research, policymaking and practice improvement in thoracic surgery by offering a comprehensive dataset for analysis. Here, we aim to shed light on the complexities of GDPR implementation and emphasize the need for comprehensive data management strategies to ensure compliance and enhance privacy protection with the contribution to the ESTS database. GDPR compliance comes with challenges, including potential human dignity and privacy rights violations. Data breaches can result in unauthorized disclosures, and non-compliance can lead to substantial fines and reputational damage. The implementation of GDPR encourages organizations to prioritize ethical data practices, security measures and transparent data handling. In conclusion, GDPR has revolutionized personal data protection by emphasizing accountability, transparency and individual rights. It has impacted organizations globally, promoting responsible data management practices. Adhering to GDPR ensures privacy protection, trust-building and overall enhancement of data management in today's data-driven environment.

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