
The aim of this study was to come closer to the knowledge of piglets protection during intrauterine life, as well as formation of colostrum immunity against Porcine Parvovirus Infection (PPV), on the basis of detailed antibody titer analysis from the blood serum of pigs 7 days before previous weaning, 30 days before mating and their piglets during first 3 days of life. The research included 60 fertile pigs and 300 of their offspring. For that purpose we have examined antibody titer specific for PPV in blood serum of vaccinated fertile pigs on 70th and 113th day of gestation, and in the blood serum of piglets originated from itemized fertile pigs during first day of life, before colostrums consummation and also during 3rd day of life. On the 70th day of gestation, in the fertile pigs blood serum, average antibody titer specific for PPV, value of 12.60 was determined, what represents adequate level for solid protection against PPV infection. This was confirmed undoubtedly by examination results of antibodies in the blood serum of piglets before colostrum consummation, which was 100% negative. Titer drop in the blood serum of fertile pigs, on 113th day of gestation (on the level of 8.7) came as a result of specific antibodies transfer from the mother?s blood flow to the colostrum. The above-mentioned is supported by the fact that on the 3rd day of life there was confirmed high average body titer level (13.37) in newborn piglets body serum has been confirmed. The principle of fertile pigs vaccination 7 days before weaning and one month before gilts insemination is an efficient measure which prevents intrauterine infection occurrence during the entire gestation process. The level of antibodies specific for PPV which is determined in gilts blood serum after vaccination can be a result of both primary and secondary immune response (animal infected before first vaccination), as well as absence of gilts revaccination, what is usually recommended by producers, may not always be regarded as a failure.



  • Ovo nesumljivo potvrđuju i rezultati ispitivanja antitela u krvnom serumu prasadi pre konzumiranja kolostruma koji je u 100% slučajeva pokazao negativan rezultat

  • Broj jedinki sa maksimalnim titrima (14) bio je mnogo veći 70. nego 113. dana gestacije (30% u odnosu na 10%) kako je prikazano u tabelama 2 i 4

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Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se na osnovu detaljnije analize titrova antitela u krvnom serumu krmača vakcinisanih 7 dana pre prethodnog zalučenja, nazimica vakcinisanih 30 dana pre pripusta i njihove prasadi u prva tri dana života, dođe do bližih saznanja o zaštiti prasadi tokom intrauterinog zivota, kao i nastanku kolostralnog imuniteta protiv parvovirusnih infekcija svinja (PPV). U tom cilju, meto­dom inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI test), ispitivali smo titar antitela specifičnih za PPV u krvnom serumu vakcinisanih plotkinja, 70. Sedamdesetog dana gestacije, u krvnom serumu plotkinja utvrđen je prosečan titar antitela specifičnih za PPV od [12,60] što predstavlja zadovoljavajući nivo koji pruža solidnu zaštitu od PPV infekcija. Se može konstatovati da je prosečan titar antitela specifičnih za PPV, u krvnom serumu plotkinja koje su pre osemenjavanja vakcinisane protiv ovih infekcija, 70. Prosečan titar antitela (1:n) specifčnih za PPV u krvnom serumu vakcinisanih plotkinja, 70. dana gestacije

Number of samples
Fertile pigs category
Examined piglets
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