
In China, most adolescents do not have access to formal sexual and reproductive health education and services. This essay delves into the critical role of sexual education in enhancing the well-being of Chinese adolescents. The exploration begins by addressing the evolving cultural concepts surrounding sexuality in China, challenging traditional norms influenced by Confucianism. Subsequently, it underscores the significance of sexual education in mitigating health risks, offering insights into successful international programs as potential models. The discussion extends to the pivotal role of comprehensive sex education in promoting gender equality, combating discrimination against sexual and gender minorities, and addressing issues of consent. Despite the recognized importance of sexual education, challenges persist in its implementation, primarily due to resistance and personal biases from educators and policymakers. The essay concludes by proposing effective strategies to overcome these challenges, emphasizing the role of higher education, gender science, and decolonizing education in shaping a more inclusive and informed approach to sexual health among Chinese adolescents.

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