
The phenomenon of street children is a global phenomenon, not belonging to a country, but almostly we found that every nation or even every group were either confined street children either in the perpetrator role or the victim, according to the situation in which the term street children mentioned, they are homeless children without parents without money without a chance, so some people were sympathetic with them, others are suspicious of them. As well as the advertising design that is exposed to street children, it didn't settle on a specific idea or topic, it deals with topics affecting street children both in terms of causes that could cause street children as a warning to parents, or take the warning curve also but for children and youth, that not to escape from parents home that they become street children, by warning of what they could be exposed to in the street. Accordingly this research deals with the different stages of advertising design which deals with street children, the contents of each stage of semantics, and analyze it to come up with reasons, and thus come up with design ideas be more investigation to resolve the problem, which still exist, despite of multiple attempts to solve it, and more highlight the reasons of success which became currently exist, and try to make it more effective, as a contribution of the researcher to achieve part of success which is already present in the ads and on the ground to resolve this crisis.

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