
The article examines the problems of calligraphy training in the context of artistic and graphic competence during the training of future teachers. The main problems related to the insufficient preparation of the teacher for the formation of artistic and graphic skills are identified, namely the absence or a small number of hours, devoted to the study of such educational components as «Calligraphy», «Drawing», «Art graphics», lack of explanatory work from the scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions about the importance of artistic and graphic skills. A characterization of the components of the artistic and graphic training of future teachers was carried out, in which the mastering of calligraphy skills by students was identified as a key aspect. The components of calligraphy training are characterized, including mastering the basics of fonts, developing the muscles of the arm and hand, learning the correct posture of the arm and body, using various materials for writing, training hand motility, learning the elements of calligraphy, creating and analyzing calligraphy samples.
 The article examines the font as the basic unit of calligraphy and font composition as the art of creating harmonious and aesthetically balanced layouts using different fonts. The main methodical components of the study of fonts are outlined and some methodical techniques are proposed for teaching future teachers the basics of creating a font composition. As a result, the value of calligraphy training of future teachers for their professional activities was determined, in particular, improving the quality of teaching writing for 1st grade students, ensuring the writing culture of students, developing and supporting the speaking skills of education seekers, ensuring a creative approach, increasing the general aesthetic level of the personality of the future teacher, diversification of methods of working with students in classroom and extracurricular activities

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