
The correspondence principle offered a unique opportunity to test cylindrically symmetric model for Universe at correspondence point “the centre of mass energies around (Ms/(gs)2)”. First by using this symmetry, the Universe state for highly excited string “string ball” is studied and the entropy of these states is calculated. Then, to consider the string ball states, a copy of the original Hilbert space is constructed with a set of creation/annihilation operators that have the same commutation properties as the original ones. The total Hilbert space is the tensor product of the two spaces Hphysical⊗Hunphysical, where in this case Hphysical denotes the physical quantum state space of the string ball. It is shown that string ball states can be represented by a maximally entangled two-mode squeezed state of the physical and unphysical spaces of string. Also, the entropy for these string states is calculated. It is found that Universe entropy matches the string entropy at transition point. This means that our result is consistent with correspondence principle and thus cylindrically symmetric model works. Finally the signature of bosonic string ball is studied. When string balls are produced, they evaporate to Massive particles like Higgs boson. Then Higgs bosons decay to quarks and gluons. Thus an enhancement of these partons can be a signature of bosonic string ball inside the cylindrically symmetric Universe.

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