
The recent need of a green-energy transition has sparked even more interest on critical elements such as tungsten and tin, whose genesis in ore deposits is linked to fluids exsolving from granitic plutons, but some mechanisms of formation remain unclear. Most authors in the past have proposed the mixing with meteoric, metamorphic or basinal fluids to be critical, while others believe that these deposits can form by simple cooling of magmatic fluids.Given the modern advances in analytical techniques, it is nowadays possible to characterize fluid inclusions in-situ also for trace elements such as bromine and especially iodine with the LA-ICP-MS. This study aims to apply a novel technique of measuring Br/Cl and I/Cl in individual fluid inclusions and bring some new insights on the Sn-W ore deposits genesis from a different perspective. In fact, halogens are well known to be highly incompatible in most minerals, retaining the fluid source reservoir signature, and to behave conservatively in fluid-rock interaction, therefore they can be regarded as suitable tracers for fluid evolution. These characteristics make heavy halogen studies particularly suitable for tackling the open question on the formation of Sn-W mineralized systems.The study area is the well-studied Cornubian batholith, in south-west England, which has been extensively mined in the past mostly for tin, copper and tungsten. It consists of 5 types of granites, divided into two main fractionation series, and cross-cut by mineralized veins rich in cassiterite, Cu-sulphides and W-oxides (among others), outcropping mainly in proximity of the contacts with the country rock.Despite significant mineralogical variation across the samples, representing different stages of the transition from magmatic to hydrothermal environments, halogen ratios are relatively homogeneous, especially under the hydrothermal regime, with magmatic fractionation as the only candidate process for a shift to higher Br/Cl and I/Cl values. On the other hand, alkalis and metals in fluid inclusions display variations of several orders of magnitude, with Li and B peaking in pegmatites and base metals being particularly abundant in the magmatic stage.These results suggest that even moderate changes in P-T conditions (from granitic stage to low-T mineralisation) do not affect significantly the halogen signature of the evolving fluids in the Cornubian batholith. Additionally, given the linear relation between fluid salinity and alkali/metal content, it can be postulated that meteoric water is the main diluting agent throughout the evolution of the system, as mixing with metamorphic fluids or basinal brines would also significantly change the halogen signatures. 

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