
Research subject. Carbonate rocks in the “Shirokoe Place” section (Unya River, Northern Urals). Material and methods. The work was based on a study of the composition and structural peculiarities of rocks and species diversities of forami- nifera and calcareous algae in the most important section of Upper Visean sediments in the lower reaches of the Unya river.Results. The rocks in the section are represented by bioclastic limestones, dolomites and various transition differences. The section features a wide presence of green Koninckopora, red Epistacheoides and Ungdarella algae. Less common are Palaeoberesella, Anthracoporella, Kamaena and Stacheoides. Fasciella is extremely rare, and Calcifolium is virtually absent. Foraminifera complexes are representative, but there are no zonal species Eostaffella tenebrosa (Venevsky horizon), genera Valvulinella (Tula horizon), Bradyina and Howchinia (Mikhailovsky and Venevsky horizons). Endothyranopsis, Janischewskina and Cribrospira are rare.Conclusions. The study of the species diversity of foraminifera and calcareous algae allowed us to clarify the stratigraphic division of the upper Visean sediments in the “Shirokoe Place” section. The Tula, Aleksinsky, Mikhailovsky and Venevsky horizons of the Upper Visean were reliably identified. The studied section can be used as a reference when creating stratigraphic schemes of Later Visean deposits for the Western subzone of the Upper Pechora transverse sinking of the Western folded zone of the Urals and adjacent areas of the PreUrals regional trough.


  • The work was based on a study of the composition and structural peculiarities of rocks and species diversities of forami­ nifera and calcareous algae in the most important section of Upper Visean sediments in the lower reaches of the Unya ri­ ver

  • The section features a wide presence of green Koninckopora, red Epistacheoides and Ungdarella algae

  • The study of the species diversity of foraminifera and calcareous algae allowed us to clarify the stratigraphic division of the upper Visean sediments in the “Shirokoe Place” section

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Источники финансирования

Работа выполнена в рамках тем No АААА-А17-117121270034-3 (государственного задания ИГ ФИЦ КНЦ УрО РАН) и No АААА-А18-118052590025-8 (государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН), а также при частичной финансовой поддержке Программы фундаментальных исследований УрО РАН, проекты No 18-5-5-31 и No АААА-А18-118052590031-9. Carbonate rocks in the “Shirokoe Place” section (Unya River, Northern Urals). The work was based on a study of the composition and structural peculiarities of rocks and species diversities of forami­ nifera and calcareous algae in the most important section of Upper Visean sediments in the lower reaches of the Unya ri­ ver. The study of the species diversity of foraminifera and calcareous algae allowed us to clarify the stratigraphic division of the upper Visean sediments in the “Shirokoe Place” section. The studied section can be used as a reference when creating stratigraphic schemes of Later Visean deposits for the Western subzone of the Upper Pechora transverse sinking of the Western folded zone of the Urals and adjacent areas of the PreUrals regional trough

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