
The function of the ureterovesical junction depends upon a peculiar structure, the adventitial fibromuscular sheath of Waldeyer, which coats the distal end of the ureter. The origin of the smooth muscle of Waldeyer's sheath (WS) is disputed. Evidence points more likely to an ureteral one. In this regard we hypothesized the WS is not specific to the distal ureter but is rather a common trait. We therefore aimed at exploring whether or not the proximal ureter is provided with a similar adventitial fibromuscular coat. We performed an immunohistochemical study on human samples of proximal ureter resulted after nephrectomies in ten patients. We applied myoid immunohistochemical markers: α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), desmin, and heavy chain of smooth muscle myosin (SMM) which labeled additional adventitial smooth muscle bundles, a discontinuous inner circular one applied on the muscular coat, and outer longitudinal cords specifically located on one side of the ureter, as is the case for WS. Moreover, the lamina propria myoid deep layer showed isolated smooth muscle fibers and spindle-shaped stromal cells with telocyte morphology. Our results support the idea that WS may not be a specific structure of the distal ureter, instead being just a common anatomical characteristic of the ureter.

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