
We prove that the connectivity of the level sets of a wide class of smooth centred planar Gaussian fields exhibits a phase transition at the zero level that is analogous to the phase transition in Bernoulli percolation. In addition to symmetry, positivity and regularity conditions, we assume only that correlations decay polynomially with exponent larger than two - roughly equivalent to the integrability of the covariance kernel - whereas previously the phase transition was only known in the case of the Bargmann-Fock covariance kernel which decays super-exponentially. We also prove that the phase transition is sharp, demonstrating, without any further assumption on the decay of correlations, that in the sub-critical regime crossing probabilities decay faster than any polynomial. Key to our methods is the white-noise representation of a Gaussian field; we use this on the one hand to prove new quasi-independence results, inspired by the notion of influence from Boolean functions, and on the other hand to establish sharp thresholds via the OSSS inequality for i.i.d. random variables, following the recent approach of Duminil-Copin, Raoufi and Tassion

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