
A sexual adult trematode that is considered to be conspecific with the distinctive larval trematode Cercaria praecox Walker, 1971 is reported from the kyphosid fish Scorpis lineolata Kner in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The sexual adult is consistent with the cercarial body of Cercaria praecox in having a single caecum with an asymmetrical appendix, symmetrical testes immediately posterior to the ventral sucker, and the ovary and vitellarium both well posterior to the testes. This combination of characters is distinct within the Fellodistomidae Nicoll, 1909 and requires the proposal of a new genus, Oceroma n. g. Analysis of 28S rDNA sequences demonstrates that this species forms a clade with Coomera Dove & Cribb, 1995 within the Fellodistomidae. The life-cycle of the species is predicted to require two hosts and to involve the direct ingestion of the cercaria.

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