
Although estimates of the incidence of reported child sexual maltreatment vary greatly, most authors agree there is a predominance of female to male victims. Yet studies of sexual offenders suggest afar greater proportion of male victims than is reported. This study compared circumstances surrounding the abuse for boy and girl victims. A total of 81 reported cases of male sexual abuse over a 3 year period were matched to 81 females sexually abused during the same period. Although it was hypothesized that there would be significant differences between boy and girl victims of sexual abuse, this study revealed surprisingly few differences between factors associated with the abuse. The sex of the victim was not related to the relationship of the abuser, who referred the child, the number of abusers, the incidence of sexual abuse of other children or siblings, chronicity of abuse, the use of bribes or threats, or concurrent physical abuse. There was a greater incidence of physical evidence of sexual abuse amon...

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