
Stressors trigger adaptive responses in the body that are essential for survival. How the brain responds to acute stressors of varying intensity in an intact animal, however, is not well understood. We address this question using two-photon Ca(2+) imaging in larval zebrafish with transgenically labeled corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) cells, which represent a major regulator of the stress axis. We show that stressor strength-dependent responses of CRH neurons emerge via an intensity-dependent increase in the activity of individual CRH cells, and by an increase in the pool of responsive CRH cells at the population level. Furthermore, we report striking synchronicity among CRH neurons even across hemispheres, which suggests tight intrahypothalamic and interhypothalamic coordination. Thus, our work reveals how CRH neurons respond to different levels of acute stress in vivo.

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