
Key words: trademark, series of signs, dominant element, originality, resolution
 The article, based on the analysis of the doctrine of intellectual property law,legislation of Ukraine, law enforcement practice, examines the state and prospects ofproviding legal protection of a series of trademarks. To overcome the existing gap inthe legislation of Ukraine, the need to amend the Law of Ukraine «On Protection ofRights to Marks for Goods and Services» is justified. It is proposed to define «a seriesof marks as a set of trademarks belonging to one owner of interdependent rights, interconnected by the presence of the same dominant verbal, figurative or combined element,having phonetic and semantic similarity, and may also bear minor graphic differencesthat do not change the essence of the trademarks. The lack of definition ofthe term «dominant element» in the legislation is emphasized. Based on the provisionsof the philosophy and doctrine of intellectual property law, the dominant elementmeans the smallest indivisible component of the trademark, which is originaland not descriptive. Based on this, its main features are distinguished: originalityand indivisibility.It is proved that the same position of the dominant element in the structure of allsigns is necessary to create a stable image of consumers in relation to a particularproduct and its manufacturer. Examples of court decisions on recognition or refusal toprovide legal protection to trademarks are given.In the context of reforming the legislation of Ukraine in terms of its approximation toEU legislation and the development of relevant case law, which must meet Europeanstandards, the expediency of using the legal positions of such a leading democratic courtas the European Court of Justice is justified. Attention is drawn to the fact that the decisionof the ECJ is not a source of law for resolving disputes of this category by the courtsof Ukraine. At the same time, they are a source of harmonious interpretation of the nationallegislation of Ukraine in accordance with the established standards of the legalsystem of the European Union. It is proved that this conclusion is consistent with thepurpose and objectives to be solved in the country in the process of implementing the provisionsof the Association Agreement in the legislation of Ukraine. Proposals are formulatedto improve the quality of legislation in the field of IP law.

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