
The focus in this study was to study time intensity (TI) methodology and procedures of getting the sensory panel acquainted with this technique. By means of a descriptive profiling exercise effects of altering the structure of a β-lactoglobulin gel, laced with banana aroma on the perception of banana flavor were obtained and a suitable attribute for TI was selected. Samples made up by protein, without any fat are not ideal for a TI study of flavor release because of the fast release of aroma. However, although the concentration of banana aroma was identical in the four groups of gels the intensity was perceived as different. This was reflected in the descriptive profiling as well as in the dynamic study. The TI study showed that it is important to minimize distractive, noncrucial information during the exercise. The assessors had different abilities to connect with the dynamic data acquisition procedure and training made the assessments more congruent. The results also indicate a relationship between the appearance of the TI-curve and the score of the total banana aftertaste.

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