
The pandemic of covid-19 has been spread in entire the world. Unfortunately, some regions in Indonesia are ignoring the detection program as an important prevention in control the disease. This research notice some parameters that play a role in the behaviour of covid-19 spread model. The parameters describe the level and rate of the transition and interaction behaviour of the variables, the number of susceptive, unsympthom, quarantined, infected and recovered population with respect to time. The reproduction number, governed from the matrix generation of the mathematical model, shows that the parameters determine the disease spread status. The mathematical model is governed from the disease spread diagram that derives a nonlinear partial differential equation system. The reproduction number is nothing but the thresh hold of the spread disease. To keep the disease spread to be controllable, the reproduction number of the model have to be arranged less than the thresh hold. The appearance of the parameters interpret that the detection program in important to be pointed out.

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