
Dr Elise Boulding served for five years as the Director of the International Peace Research Association Foundation. During that time, she worked tirelessly to promote peace research. One of the projects she was most instrumental in starting was the Senesh Fellowship. The Senesh Fellowship Program was begun in 1990 with a generous donation from Dr Larry Senesh in honor of his wife, Dorothy Marchus Senesh, a life-long peace activist. This fund provides a biennial fellowship awarded to a woman from the developing world for studies in the fields of peace and development. Dr Boulding headed the selection committee for this Fellowship for many years. During her tenure on the committee, she had the opportunity to use this Fellowship to promote and highlight the role of women in peace research and to highlight their many academic accomplishments. In this issue honoring Dr Boulding, the continuation of the Senesh Fellowship is just one more way in which the mark that Dr Boulding left on the field of peace studies is evident. The author took over chairing the selection committee when Dr Boulding retired from the position and greatly benefited from her wisdom and advice. The scholars highlighted here reflect exactly the types of scholars that Dr Boulding chose to promote.

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