
This study aims to investigate the efficacy of self-narrative as a tool for identifying personality traits conducive to motivation for success. The research employs several methodologies, including the "Readiness for Self-Development" test by V.L. Pavlov, the Achievement Motivation Diagnosis test, and the katathym imaginative psychotherapy motive "Mountain" as a form of self-narrative. Psycholinguistic analysis tools such as the verbosity coefficient, embolism coefficient, and correlation coefficient are utilized. Through empirical analysis of self-narratives, criteria for evaluating motivational potential are established. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of respondent narratives reveal distinct patterns. Coefficients derived from psycholinguistic analysis indicate a correlation between self-narratives and motivation for achievement. Respondents demonstrating motivation for success and readiness for self-development exhibit lower verbosity and embolism coefficients. Conversely, those with a tendency to avoid failure and low readiness for self-development tend to employ narratives rich in superficial language elements. The findings suggest that self-narrative analysis can effectively gauge an individual's motivational tendencies and readiness for personal development. This method holds promise as a tool for identifying and nurturing talent within organizations, particularly in the context of forming a vertical personnel reserve. By understanding the motivational drivers revealed through self-narratives, organizations can better tailor their approaches to talent management and development.

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