
We have investigated the usefulness of GIS methods (geophysical investigations in boreholes) and GTI (mud logging) in distinguishing low-power numerous collectors HC (hydrocarbons) in deep exploratory wells, complicated by the high caverns and drilled for saline drilling fluid. Limitations of techniques emisions and determine their characteristics leads to skipping of productive intervals and their erroneous selection. Data electrical methods (BKZ (lateral sounding), MKZ (microcerotermes sensing), IR (induction logging), PS (logging potentials spontaneous polarization)) in terms of the mineralized mud and cavernous wellbore distorted, poorly reflect the incision and therefore uninformative. There are no direct characteristics collector - positive increment on the microprobes (MHS (micro-gradient probe), MPZ (micro-potential probe) and clay crust against the collector by DS (inspection), at the substation are not marked minimum values of the net (Neglinnaya) terrigenous formations. Saturated and reservoirs on IR also not differentiated. Readings radioactive methods (COG (neutron gamma logging) and GGC-p (gamma-gamma density logs)) are distorted by the presence of large cavities in the wellbore. For successful execution of exploration drilling designed research methodology perspective on HC intervals. The method is based on an integrated use of all possible methods of GIS, the GTI and direct methods for the steady reservoir and determine their characteristics. Proposed rational complex GIS detailed geophysical studies in Sandstone reservoirs, exploration and appraisal wells drilled in saline solutions.

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