
A local rigidity theorem was proved by Selberg and Weil for Riemannian symmetric spaces and generalized by Kobayashi for a non-Riemannian homogeneous space [Formula: see text], determining explicitly which homogeneous spaces [Formula: see text] allow nontrivial continuous deformations of co-compact discontinuous groups. When [Formula: see text] is assumed to be exponential solvable and [Formula: see text] is a maximal subgroup, an analog of such a theorem states that the local rigidity holds if and only if [Formula: see text] is isomorphic to the group Aff([Formula: see text]) of affine transformations of the real line (cf. [L. Abdelmoula, A. Baklouti and I. Kédim, The Selberg–Weil–Kobayashi rigidity theorem for exponential Lie groups, Int. Math. Res. Not. 17 (2012) 4062–4084.]). The present paper deals with the more general context, when [Formula: see text] is a connected solvable Lie group and [Formula: see text] a maximal nonnormal subgroup of [Formula: see text]. We prove that any discontinuous group [Formula: see text] for a homogeneous space [Formula: see text] is abelian and at most of rank 2. Then we discuss an analog of the Selberg–Weil–Kobayashi local rigidity theorem in this solvable setting. In contrast to the semi-simple setting, the [Formula: see text]-action on [Formula: see text] is not always effective, and thus the space of group theoretic deformations (formal deformations) [Formula: see text] could be larger than geometric deformation spaces. We determine [Formula: see text] and also its quotient modulo uneffective parts when the rank [Formula: see text]. Unlike the context of exponential solvable case, we prove the existence of formal colored discontinuous groups. That is, the parameter space admits a mixture of locally rigid and formally nonrigid deformations.

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