
Field studies were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the years 1995-1999, in 42 localities situated within the protective zone of Roztocze National Park (RNP). Phytoindication photos of cereal crops were taken twice: in spring (spring aspect) and in the first half of July. Photos of root crops were taken only once, at the beginning of September. Segetal flora of the RNP protective zone includes 233 species of vascular plants belonging to 36 botanical families. The most aboundant families are: Asteraceae (23 species), Fabaceae (23 species), Poaceae (21 species), Brassicaceae (16 species), Caryophyllaceae (16 species). In segetal flora of the protective zone, apophytes (57%) out numbered antropophyta. Among apophytes, the largest group consisted of meadots apophytes (30%). In the antropophyta group archeophytes dominated (34%) over epecophytes (6%) and ergasiophygophytes (3%). In segetal flora there was a greater number of annual and biennial species (150 species) than perennial species (83 species).


  • Summary Field studies were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the years 1995-1999, in 42 localities situated within the protective zone of Roztocze National Park (RNP)

  • Segetal flora of the RNP protective zone includes 233 species of vascular plants belonging to 36 botanical families

  • The largest group consisted of meadots apophytes (30%)

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Flora segetalna w otulinie Roztoczañskiego Parku Narodowego

The segetal flora in the protective zone of Roztocze National Park (Otrzymano: 05.04.2006). Summary Field studies were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the years 1995-1999, in 42 localities situated within the protective zone of Roztocze National Park (RNP). Phytoindication photos of cereal crops were taken twice: in spring (spring aspect) and in the first half of July. Photos of root crops were taken only once, at the beginning of September. Segetal flora of the RNP protective zone includes 233 species of vascular plants belonging to 36 botanical families. In segetal flora of the protective zone, apophytes (57%) out numbered antropophyta. Wprowadzane w ostatnich latach ró¿ne zmiany do procesu roœlinnej produkcji rolniczej wp3ywaj na rozwój szaty roœlinnej terenów u¿ytkowanych rolniczo.Czêœæ gatunków flory segetalnej ca3kowicie zanika, inne zaœ taksony poszerzaj swoje zasiêgi. Dlatego te¿ konieczna jest inwentaryzacja flory segetalnej na obszarach chronionych

Marta Ziemiñska Smyk
Bardzo rzadki Very rare Rzadki Rare
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