
This work analyzes the dystopian universe of the Brazilian feature movie Divine Love (Divino Amor, Gabriel Mascaro, 2019) focusing on the elements that form the diegetic universe. The movie shows Brazil in 2027, the seeds of cultural and religious moral agenda have flourished, religious and technological faith involves the landscape, institutions and the bodies of the characters. Amid a gloomy atmosphere and a gray landscape, evangelical seduction breaks out in attractive colors, dry ice smoke and lively music. Many of the projects in bloom in Brazil today go towards extreme views in this diegetic universe, such as encouraging advances in technology; dehydration of art and education; courtship between State and Religion.The Ecosophy expanded the theoretical framework of the audiovisual analysis method aimed at the diegetic universe by drawing attention to the non-human components that produce individual and collective subjectivity. This theory articulates the three ecological records: environment, social relations and human subjectivity as a way of perceiving the components of the production of subjectivities, in order to better understand and propose transformations in the face of the contemporary standardization of behaviors.

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