
This study aims to determine facies characteristics of the Dagpazari patch reef (Middle Miocene) located at 13 km north of the Mut (Icel) town. Mut (Icel) and nearby areas are geologically known as Mut Basin situated in the Central Taurides. In the Mut Basin, Middle Miocene time is represented by Mut and Koselerli formations. The Mut Formation comprises reef limestone and interfingers with the Koselerli Formation consisting of claystone, argillaceous limestone and marl. Dagpazari patch reef has a gentle and elongated dome shape. Its elongation extends in NW-SE direction. In the Dagpazari patch reef and its surrounding, five lithofacies and several subfacies have been delineated based mainly on reef geometry and also macro and micro facies features. This patch reef is approximately 15 m thick, 500 m in length and 200 m in width. These are; 1) Base facies (red algal wackestone-packstone, Dunham 1962; biomicrite, Folk 1962); 2) Reef core facies (coral-red algal framestone-bindstone, Embry and Klovan 1971; biolithite, Folk 1962); gastropodpelecypod wackestone-packstone, biomicrite; grainstone, biosparite); 3) Fore reef-flank facies (planktonic foraminiferal-red algal wackestone, biomicrite); 4) Back reef-flank facies (wackestone, biomicrite; local framestone-bindstone, biolithite); 5) Sealing facies (echinoid-intraclast packstone-grainstone, biointramicrite, biointrasparite). Reef core facies is easily separated from other reef facies by: i) presence of frame-building organisms (coral); ii) presence of binding organisms (red algae, bryozoa); and iii) diverse fauna. Reef-flank facies are separated from reef core facies due to their well-bedded appearance. The sealing facies truncates the other reef units with an erosional surface. Facies and frame-building organisms were highly affected by sea-level fluctuation during the Langhian. Grainstone (Dunham 1962) occurred where the environment is close to wave base; planktonic foraminiferal wackestone (Dunham 1962) deposited where the environment was relatively deep. In overall, the Dagpazari patch reef was deposited in shallow environment.

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