
Developing distributed form of file security systems using Blockchain technology. Based on the idea of cloud storage as it is a leading storage technology for huge data storage. Blockchain is one of the trending technology for decentralized data storage systems that ensures privacy, confidentiality, data security, authentication, and integrity. As SDN network provides support to have various nodes in the network for the secure transaction of data from source to destination. Blockchain helps in keeping track of block data by constructing the gateway to make it immutable. BCFS refers to Blockchain-Based File System Security in SDN. In the designed system, a Web-Based Interface is developed an authorized entity can upload file data the user’s file is projected to encryption process and the block data is shared among the various nodes in the network. Along with Unique Document ID, encrypted random key, and hash data. This hash data value holds the file path and preserves in the blockchain into their corresponding block data folders. Detection of node failure across the network an automatic short path is chosen by the network and detection of an attack based on entropy value.

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