
The 88/3 article of the republic of Albania constitution where is mentioned the sentence: “God help me”, or left at the willpower of the president of the republic, which represents the state unity, contradicts with the 18 and 10 article of the constitution, and also with the 14th article of European Convention oo Human Rights. The 18th article of our convention and the 14th article of ECHR are articles dhe talk about the discrimination, but in the contrary, the 88th article contradicts those articles, furthermore, affects the state form securalism, with the sentence specified at the constitution “God help me”. We are talking about the notion of legal rate in space and on time. This constitutional rate should be removed because it discriminates the atheist, or individuals, groups, who don’t trust in GOD. The convention of the Republic of Kosova don’t have this definitions of god name. Albania has a homogenous different composition being a state in transition. This provision discriminates directly on indirectly groups or individuals, national of foreign. The removal of this sentence will make the Albanian Constitution safer and better for the future, and also, will protect better the groups of individuals from the discrimination, “If you think or not in god, or like a presentation of the name GOD”. The time and space reason, dictates the removal of this constitutional rate or its amendment, whether in Albania we have different religious beliefs like Catholic Faith, Orthodox Faith, Muslim Faith, atheist or heather, and also, when the democratic internal transition is accompanied with the external influences like the religious radicalism (part of global developments of a society, specially required for the state of rights).

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