
ABSTRACTIn the last few decades, the virology field has experienced a revolution in knowledge related to viral richness, diversity, and distribution in the oceans. Metagenomics associated with virus isolation methods have contributed to outstanding discoveries in marine virology. Giant viruses and other protist-infecting viruses belonging to the phylum Nucleocytoviricota have raised fundamental questions such as “what are the limits of virion size?”, “what is a viral genome able to encode?”, and “what is the ecological role of giant viruses in the ocean?” In a recent paper published in mSystems by Ha, Moniruzzaman, and Aylward (mSystems 6:e00293-21, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00293-21), the authors demonstrated by metatranscriptomic-related analyses that giant viruses are active members of the California Current microbial community, replicating, modulating, and exchanging genes with their protist hosts. This work not only explores the dynamics of giant virus gene expression in a natural environment but also reveals that nucleocytoviricotal abundance and ecological importance are underestimated.

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