
In accordance with future tourism, there will be a movement from mass tourism to quality tourism. As a sequence, all sectors which take part in tourism development should develop quality tourism. (Suja, Ketut. 2015:1). A quality tourism means a tourism sector which is applying Tri Hita Karana (THK). THK is as a weapon to maintain sustainable tourism. By applying the THK the world Bali could be saved from destroy, to save nature, the ecology of Bali, economy and social benefit. (Ardika, I Gede. 2015,X1). This research is aimed to know the activities of The Secret Garden Village, if he applies the THK concept to maintain sustainable tourism ?. Data of this research was collected by using direct observation, depth interview and documentation. The data is obtained from informants who know well about the object of research such as : Mr. Billy Hartono Salim, the owner of Secret Garden Village, Mr. Putu Gede Arista DityaPradana, the operation Manager of Black Eye Coffee, Mr. Andra Martin, the Architech of building design. After that, the data was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the activities of all staff of Secret Garden Village was applying “Tri Hita Karana” (THK) concept to maintain sustainable tourism.

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